- Sunday 18th December, Neil Owen seminar 12:00-15:00 (£20)
- Monday 19th December, 19:30-21:00, xmas meal at Pieminister from 21:00
- Tuesday 20th December, 13:00-14:00
- Wednesday 21st December, 17:55-20:30
- Friday 23rd December, 18:30-20:30
- Sunday 25th December, 🎅 CLOSED 🎅
- Monday 26th December,🎄CLOSED🎄
- Tuesday 27th December, 12:00-13:00 (TBC)
- Wednesday 28th December, ☃CLOSED☃
- Friday 30th December, 18:30-19:30
- Sunday 1st January, 💃CLOSED💃
- Monday 2nd January, 19:30-20:30
So, that means NO CLASS on Xmas Day (Sunday 25th Dec), Boxing Day (26th Dec), Wednesday 28th or New Year’s Day (Sunday 1st Jan).
It’s been an awesome third year for Artemis BJJ, with growing student numbers and a whole bunch of great seminars, plus an incredible club trip to the Globetrotter camps in Leuven and Bournemouth.
We’ve got lots planned for 2017: there will be another 24 hour GrappleThon on 15th/16th April, an even bigger group of us is heading to Leuven for the BJJ Globetrotter camp in July, and hopefully we’ll see yet more black belts visiting Artemis BJJ too. Exciting stuff!
Have an awesome Xmas and New Year! Reindeers for everybody. 😀