
artemis-bjj-podcastFind all episodes of the Artemis BJJ podcast on this page. These are very infrequent at present, but I try to do at least a few each year. If you have any questions or suggestions, drop me a line on info@artemisbjj.com.

All episodes will pop up under the ‘podcast’ category, which is here. If you prefer iTunes, go here.

#008 – Kev Capel & Megan Williams (recorded 2017 & 2014)
#007 – Carlos, Roger & Jean Machado (recorded 2012)
#006 – Chrissy & Brian Linzy (recorded 2014)
#005 – Chelsea Bainbridge-Donner & Tom Barlow (recorded 2016)
#004 – Rener Gracie (recorded 2013)
#003 – Valerie Worthington (recorded 2014)
#002Fabio Santos (recorded 2013)
#001 – Michel Verhoeven (recorded 2013)

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Back when I first started listening to podcasts around 2005/2006, before I’d even started training BJJ, my initial choices were The Fightworks Podcast and No Holds Barred. Like my grappling experience, they were both relatively new at that time (although in the case of NHBNews, it wasn’t really ‘new’, because the radio show had been around for much longer. However, it had recently been relaunched in the ‘new’ format of a podcast).

Indeed, there was very little out there apart from those two, so we’re fortunate that Caleb and Eddie are such excellent podcast hosts. Today, there are loads of BJJ podcasts to choose from: I’ve compiled a list below, but more podcasts pop up all the time (if I’ve missed any good ones, drop me a line on info@artemisbjj.com).

I’ve been lucky enough to appear on both of those early BJJ podcasts I listened to back in the day. If you’d like to hear what happens when my usual position as interviewer gets flipped, you can check out the Fightworks Podcast episode with me here, while the No Holds Barred episode (where Eddie and I talk about my GrappleThon for that year) is here. I also managed to get on the BBC back in 2013, to plug one of my charity GrappleThons, here.

BJJ Podcast List

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