Bristol #RollForNichole at Artemis BJJ

Last month, the jiu jitsu community sadly lost Nichole Ossman. Her friend Averi Clements wanted to do something to honour her memory, coming up with the idea to #RollForNichole. The aim was to bring BJJ schools together around the world, raising awareness of mental health. Supporting your team mates can have a much bigger impact than just sharpening up their mount escape: you might even save their life.

A video posted by Artemis BJJ (@artemisbjj) on

Artemis BJJ did our small part, holding a #RollForNichole during our Friday and Sunday open mats last week. There was a good turnout, with grapplers joining in from various academies. Thanks to everybody who came down to show their support: hopefully all the participants not only had fun and picked up some good tips, but also gained a renewed commitment to being there for students who might be struggling with mental health issues.

A photo posted by @grapplethon on

For a longer write-up, head over to

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