4 New Purple Belts & 2 Blue Belts at Artemis BJJ Grading with Kev Capel

It has been a while since our last grading, so we’ve had a few interim promotions, but the big one was today. There are a number of people at the club who came in with a lot of existing training, who have therefore been overdue for their belts ever since they joined. Thanks to the continuing support of Kev Capel, that’s now been resolved, meaning we have four new purple belts.

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Yay, four new purples @ArtemisBJJ yesterday, plus two blues! I try hard to not emphasise belts at my club (one of several reasons I don't give out stripes), as it's important people focus on just getting better, with belts serving as a nice side effect. Also, makes for a handy photo. 😉 Big congrats to everyone who got promoted. Those who follow the Artemis BJJ Instagram should recognise @mj.dalton, who is my uke in many of the vids. 😃 It was also brilliant to see Lisa, who hasn't been in for a while due to an injury. Although I'm the head instructor, the majority of Lucy's training has been with Lisa, so it was great to have her there to see Lucy promoted to blue. Looking forward to Lisa's knee getting better: thanks for the great photos (Sara took good ones too 😃)! _________________________________________ Of course, none of this could happen without Kev: I can't thank @rgabucks enough for how he supports the club. 😎👍 ________________________________________ #bjj #BrazilianJiuJitsu #SlideyClub #SupportWomensBJJ #ArtemisBJJ @BJJglobetrotters #bjjglobetrotters

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Big congrats to everybody who was graded today, thanks also to Sara and Lisa for their great photos and videos!

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